Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer is Nearly Here

Morning friends! It has been over a month again since I have taken the time to post. In true form, I awoke early this morning to work out, stopped at the computer to send a quick e-mail and here I am. I took the time to check in on some friends' blogs and decided to provide an update. The Roose's are entering the summer schedule. The kids finish school this Friday at 1:30 and Becky finished work last Friday at 5:00. I have to keep working. :(

Harrison has 3 baseball games left. He plays tonight and has 2 rain-outs to make up. He may have a tournament game or two also, depending on how we finish in the rankings. It has been a very busy May. The kids have been working on school projects, baseball and softball games, yard work, garden work....the list seems to never end.

We celebrated the Memorial Day weekend by running around alot. Friday night we spent a couple of hours at the campground with friends. Saturday I rode my bike down to farmer's market downtown with some friends, then came back and worked on the landscaping for 3 hours, then headed to a couple of graduation parties. Sunday, I worked infant nursery at church (extra crying from kids b/c they don't expect a man there), we went to my mom's for lunch with my mom, dad and brothers' families, to another grad party, then back the campground at night with friends. Yesterday, we began our day with our typical Memorial Day traditions that our kids have come to love. We went for a late breakfast to IHOP where we tip the waitress alot extra for working on the holiday. Then we travel to a cemetary to remember the true reason why we have the day off from school and work. This is always a meaningful time for the kids and us too. Then we came home to finish our 2 hours of landscaping projects, then had friends over for bbq! I can't really say that I had a relaxing weekend! However, I wouldn't change it a bit as there were many memories created for everyone involved.

I hope this finds you in good health and spirits as you enter June. God Bless.

Make it a great day friends!

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