Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day

According to the news we have experienced 14.5" of snow since yesterday. It took me over an hour to snow blow the drive this morning and it is usually a 15-20 minute job at most. As a result the whole family is home today! We're only moderately driving each other nuts. Why do you think I stayed outside for so long? OK, I do admit it. It is a welcome change to cozy up, have lunch and spend the day with each other during the week. Back to the routine again tomorrow.

I woke up at 5 this morning. AARRGGGHHH, of all times on a snow day when no-one is expected to be anywhere. I got up and continued to read The Fire of Delayed Answers, by Bob Sorge. It has been a very encouraging read during this time of my job search. One of my wife's co-workers was prompted to bring it to work one day (she had no idea why) and soon learned how we could benefit from the read. Isn't God awesome? He provides in so many ways. I read a couple of chapters again today which reminded me to seek him during this time. I really recommend this book to anyone who is waiting on God to provide, no matter what situation you are dealing with.

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